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Ideckia is a system to use your smartphone or tablet as a control panel to send orders to your computer. You can create a customized panel, as many directories and items per directory as you want to structure your content to fit your needs. You can use it for automations in gaming, streaming, software development, home...


Works on GNU/Linux, Windows and OSX. Totally portable (<50MB). Download here for your OS:

ideckia linux core link ideckia windows core link ideckia osx core link
Endless possibilities

Execute commands, write passwords, create key shortcuts, mute microphone, control OBS Studio, timezones, weather, countdown, timer, log your work, create random colors...

Actions list
Infinite directories

There is no limit for directories. You can create complex panels and organize them as you want using as many directories as you need.

Multiple states per item, multiple actions per state

Change the state (text, icon...) of the item when clicked. Execute multiple actions per state.

Fixed items

Have the necessary items always on hand, even if you explore different directories.

Integrated editor

If you have a internet browser, you have the editor right there.

Go to the editor

You can use dialogs from actions to request user input: text, password, questions, calendar...

Dialogs definition
Free software

The entire stack is free software: core, editor, api, actions and smartphone app are licensed by GPL 2.

Get the sources
Easy to hack

Replace the existing actions or create your own using plain JavaScript (using NodeJs). Customize the current editor or create an entire new one that fits your needs.

Create your actions

App Screenshots

Editor Screenshots

No need to download a heavy and RAM consuming Electron app to configure your layout. The editor is right in your browser!

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